FBI Director could face 12 months in jail

FBI Director Christopher Ray could face up to 12 months in jail they found guilty of Contempt of Congress.

The criminal offense of contempt of Congress sets the penalty at not less than one month nor more than twelve months in jail and a fine of not more than $100,000 or less than $100.

The last successful prosecution on contempt charges reaches all the way back to the 1970's, The Watergate Scandal when G. Gordon Liddy was convicted of and Richard Kleindienst pleaded guilty to refusing to answer congressional questions.

The Federal District Court Judge John H. Pratt,  without a jury, gave Mr. Liddy a suspended six‐month sentence and one year's probation.   

The last successful sentence for contempt of congress was in the 1930s.  February 1934 the first federal aviation regulator, William P. MacCracken, Jr., became the last person in the United States to be imprisoned for contempt of Congress.

Steve Bannon, in 2022 was sentenced to 4 months in prison for contempt of Congress.  However, he is still appealing this verdict.

Republican with majority control of The U.S. House of Representatives panel said he will seek attempt to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress for a failure to hand over information on President Joe Biden's family dealings

Contempt of Congress is usually decided along party lines and in this case is likely to be successful. Then it will be up to a court. 

But wait.. The FBI will investigate itself before the case can be brought to court.  And if the FBI does the unthinkable and indicts itself, Joe Biden will surely pardon Mr. Ray .


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