NEA is laser focused AGAINST Christianity

 The cultural war continues in today's American classrooms.  The National Education Association have come out against anyone that they deem "conservative".  

What is CRT? 

Critical Race Theory, or CRT, is an academic and legal framework that denotes that systemic racism is part of American society — from education and housing to employment and healthcare. Critical Race Theory recognizes that racism is more than the result of individual bias and prejudice. 
How does CRT work? In their own words...
Ibram X. Kendi, a leading proponent of critical race theory, embraces this new form of racism in his book How to Be an Antiracist when he says, “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” Because racial equity (equal outcomes) rather than racial equality (equal opportunities) is the goal of CRT, racial discrimination is necessary to achieve those outcomes. (source: Alliance Defense Fund)

Take a look at their most recent magazine NEA Today (June).  One article speaks about knowing your rights: "Learn more about your rights and protections regarding censorship and teaching about racism, sexism, and historical prejudice- sometimes incorrectly called 'critical race' theory."  As a teacher in government schools for 2 decades, I can unequivocally let you know the history of all forms of racism, sexism, and prejudice is being taught.  The CRT has been taught (just not formerly labeled) for decades, at least.

The NEA does not stop at pushing CRT, they attack whom Obama described as ,"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."  The June NEA magazine brags about the NEA's role in restricting 2nd Amendment rights, and loves to credit the Biden administration.  

The June NEA article, The School Year is Ending: Celebrate Bittersweet lists as one of their top 10 teachings, "You don't have to believe in deities of the ancient books to be transformed by spiritual longing."  Wow! Is this an attack on the Bible?

The NEA magazine article In Appreciation of School Librarians focuses on the librarian giving "controversial" material, which is defined as what conservatives disagree with.  Although no one is asking books to be pulled for being historical, the magazine makes sure it puts statements like, " Denying students material about the history of race and racism in American and the lives of LGBTQ people, or books with characters who survive sexual assault, does them a huge disservice."  This is extremely deceiving.  

As many parents are finding out, books about transgender often contain explicit descriptions of sex and some porn.  Articles claiming the books being removed only because of their LGBTQ content fall flat when you hear parents and students at board meetings reading from these books only to be silenced for the books' lewdness by the board that approved the books.   

Historical books are supposed to be neutral, and CRT books are simply not. The NEA since  1978 supported aborting children, which is very ironic for an "education association" that claims to support "racial and social justice" since the babies aborted are disproportionately minorities.  You would think an "education" association would believe in the science of conception or heartbeats.  

NEA calls most of its members White supremacists? 

Maybe offending most of its members would stop the NEA's far-left thinking? 

"The National Education Association believes that, in order to achieve racial and social justice, educators must acknowledge the existence of White supremacy culture as a primary root cause of institutional racism, structural racism, and White privilege.

Despite the attention given to the need to recruit more teachers of color, little progress has been made in diversifying the profession. Overall, the percentage of White teachers has declined slightly from 84 percent in 1999-2000. In 2015–16, about 80 percent of public school teachers were White, 9 percent were Hispanic (an increase of 3 percent since 2000), 7 percent were Black, 2 percent were Asian, and 1 percent were of two or more races." (NEA website)

What is the basis behind CRT? 

Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic discipline founded by law professors who used Marxist analysis to conclude that racial dominance by whites created “systemic racism.” Critical race theorists have been dominant in colleges and universities for years, but their impact on public policy was limited until recently. (

Does the NEA really support Diversity? 

The NEA ONLY funds Democrats, according to  Yet, Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27 percent were Republicans.  Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate. (Education Week By a 61-39 vote, delegates rejected a Conservative Educators Caucus proposal that would have ended the union’s abortion advocacy, but the loss means 100% loss.  

The NEA is merely anti-Christian. 

  •  against Proposition 8, which defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
  • against Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
  • against homeschooling, for "compulsary educatiton" (recent survey results indicate that nearly 90% of churched homeschool students remain strong in the faith, a rate that far surpasses their churched counterparts who attended public or private school)
  • speaks out against "anceint texts" for religious transformation 
  • against commandment "Though shall not Kill" as they call this a "reproductive choice"
  • Never support Republicans, and 82% of Republicans are Christians

The NEA does not represent American values, but is trying to stamp out Christians. 

Because the label CRT exists, it has been easier for families to point out what they do not want their children taught, and the NEA 


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