The Peculiar Downplaying of Sex Trafficking is creating the Marriage with Children Effect

 The media has spent a lot of time criticizing the movie The Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel.  Oddly enough, the movie uncovers the true story exposing the most heinous institution in the world, that is the modern slavery, sex trafficking. 

Biden's ORR Director refused to answer questions about 85,000 lost and unaccompanied migrants. 

Sex trafficking is the fastest-growing business of organized crime and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world.  So why is American media downplaying this?

Social Media is a pedophile’s digital playground. Ted Cruz said, " It is particularly ironic that Meta has gone to extensive lengths to remove completely legitimate speech—for example, content about elections and COVID-19—from its recommendation systems yet seems unable to implement basic product interventions to prevent those same systems from harming the most vulnerable members of society..."

An investigation by the Wall Street Journal, Stanford University, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst concluded that Instagram had operated a "wide network" of accounts dedicated to pedophilic content.  In other words Instagram is promoting pedophilia.

The Watch Foundation found that 50% of pedophilia traffic is on Twitter. 

Netflix has a problem with hypersexualization and the  normalizing of sexual attraction to children by hosting the French movie, Cuties. The New York Times recently said pedophilia is not a crime but just a mental disorder.   

CNN producers Rick Saleeby and John Griffin have both been charged with pedophilia. ABC producer James Gordon also had child porn charges filed against him.

Vicky Ward wrote for Vanity Fair the article that helped take down Jeffrey Epstein.  Vanity Fair edited the article,  taking out many names and connections that would have brought down others in his sex trafficking ring. 

What about Hollywood and Disney?

Corey Feldman said, "The biggest problem in Hollywood is paedophilia." Bella Thorne,  Jordan Pruitt and Paz de la Huerta are Disney child actors who came forward and claimed they were sexually abused. 

It comes as no surprise it took years for The Sound of Freedom to make it to the box screen, given the tangled web of perverted and powerful people. The  corporate legacy media has ignored Hunter Biden's pedophilic pictures. Disney, Netflix, Amazon, and 20th century Fox all passed on the opportunity to take to market The Sound of Freedom movie as their own.  

Major media outlets are calling the movie A q Anon propaganda piece.  But this is strange since the movie is based on the true life of Tim Ballard.  

The attempt to take down of the movie Sound of Freedom has completely backfired.  This is reminiscent of the takedown of Married with Children, except morally inverted situations.

1989 Backlash 

The idea behind Married with Children was to serve as a counterpoint to all the family-friendly sitcoms occupying the TV sets at the time, like The Cosby Show and Family Ties.  It even played on Sunday nights (of all nights). 

Ratings soared after the negative news, and for the first time, FOX had a hit. Married with Children stayed on for eight more seasons, getting more outlandish and attracted more eyeballs.

2023 Backlash 

The Guardian wrote, "Sound of Freedom  pretends to be a real movie, like a 'pregnancy crisis center' masquerading as a bona fide health clinic." Most of the mainstream media call it QAnon movie, whatever that means.  

When asked about the QAnon in the film, Jim Caviezel explained he really didn't know what that meant.  If questioning is with the Q stands for that's exactly what he is proud of.   CNN claims he is q Anon because he believes there's a pedophilia problem in Hollywood and that they have demonic rituals.  

CNN says Caviezel has no evidence for Hollywood pedophilia, even though he was a Hollywood Superstar before being blacklisted because of his role in the record breaking movie Passion of the Christ.

Now a wholesome movie is blackballed because the powers that be want to defend sexual deviance.  But like married with children this has only fueled more eyeballs to the this may of these critics 

I'm sure Angel Studios are glad they partnered with Sound of Freedom because the film is shocking the world with ticket sales.  The are impressing with $40 million after six days of release. “Sound of Freedom” opened last Tuesday bringing in more ticket sales than Disney's big hit Indiana Jones.  


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