" The School Choice Evangelist" says, "Radicals are Ruining Our Schools"

For years Corey DeAngelis has been exposing the corrupt school system that is largely controlled by powerful unions. Often Dr. DeAngelis exposes the hypocrisy of his opponents. His new book earns rave reviews and helps empower parents. 

Deangelis is an Italian surname that means "of the angels". It is derived from the personal name Angelo, and the Latin suffix "-is" gives it a broader meaning of "belonging to, of". In this case, it means "member of the Angeli family". It may also have been a Latinized nickname for a foundling, meaning "from the angels". As a nickname, Deangelis may have described someone who was "angelic" or a religious messenger. 

Who is Dr. Corey DeAngelis?

Forbes has recognized  Corey DeAngelis among its list of 30 Under 30—the magazine’s annual recognition to young trailblazing entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and entertainers who are making the most significant impact.

Corey A. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He has been labeled the “school choice evangelist” and called “the most effective school choice advocate since Milton Friedman.” He is a regular on Fox News and frequently appears in The Wall Street Journal. DeAngelis is also the executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, a senior fellow at Reason Foundation, an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute, and a board member at Liberty Justice Center. He holds a Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Arkansas. He is the author of The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools (Center Street, 2024).

The Perfect Storm

During COVID-19, the teacher unions were exposed, and school choice gained traction.  Much of which can be directly related to the work of Corey DeAngelis.

According to a new poll from RealClear Opinion Research, 2023, the concept of school choice gets the support  66% of Democrats, 80% of Republicans, and 69% of Independents saying they support such a policy. Additionally, 70% of Asian, 73% of Black, 71% of Hispanic, and 71% of White voters.  Yet it is rare for a Democrat politician to speak in favor of school choice. 

Corey points out that, "The teachers unions overplayed their hand and awakened a sleeping giant, which happens to be parents who want more of a say in their kids’ education.”   

My favorite line of Corey, is when tweeting a so-called pro government school advocate is, "But you sent your kids to private schools." Or he tweets, "Fund students, not systems."

My passion for exposing government schools was documented in Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation, much of which cites Corey's research.  As one of this government school teachers for decades, Dr. DeAngelis has been an angel 😇 for teachers and parents that want the truth about education in America. 

President Trump's Endorsement 

DeAngelis points out the apparent reason Democrat politicians rarely speak for their constituents on the issue of school choice.  

The unions are out of touch.

"The National School Choice Awareness Foundation reveals that 72% of parents considered new schools for their children in 2023 — a massive 35% increase from 2022. Additionally, more than 70% of parents in nearly every state support the implementation of school choice policies."

School Choice (radical) Opponents exposed 

House Bill 1905, by state Rep. Andy Fugate, D-Oklahoma City, says “private schools which receive state funds shall not use the state funds to provide religious instruction or religious activities.

"Public funding should not be going to private schools. Let’s invest in the kids and communities who need safe, effective, and reliable schools the most." -Randi Weingarten

Of course if the schools were safe and effective, people would choose to stay,  and anti-choice advocates would have nothing to fear about giving parents choice.  Many are simply dangerous and complete failures.  

A Real Endorsement 

"For anyone who still feels their voice is being ignored as you advocate for your child, "The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Schools," will give you insight and hope to continue speaking out and advocating with force and determination."

The bottom line...

To many, Corey DeAngelis is an American hero.  As a parent and two decade teacher in government schools, it is easy to recognize who is America's greatest advocate for school choice.  As his last name implies, for parents that yearn for  school choice, Corey is an angel.  

To get a copy of his Amazon Best Selling book, The Parent Revolution, click the link. The Parent Revolution 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Facts are not opinions.
      Not all, but Some opinions are facts

    2. That is just another way of saying it is propaganda

  2. Apparently all articles, based on your definition are propaganda.

    1. It’s the definition you posted on Reddit…

  3. The article uses their statements of those in question. The analysis is just that. Propaganda is purposefully promoting an agenda by deception. Where is the deception? Propaganda is usually a government tool. This article is NOT funded by ANY source.

    1. The graphic that lists percentage of donations to Democrats. Then just says “money laundering”. That is deception.

      To my knowledge these unions have never been convicted of money laundering. No evidence is provided of money laundering.

      This is highly biased and meant to be deceptive. There are organizations that donate to Republicans for their causes at the same percentages. Wouldn’t that be money laundering by as well?

    2. I worked for the government schools for decades. Union dues always go to the Democrats. That's just a fact. There is no data to support Republicans get donations from teacher unions. The amount is negligible.

  4. Money laundering comment is from a post from Corey. Those are his words. Clearly when you spend effectively all of your money on one political party, you are reaping benefits. Call that what you want.

    1. Why are you replying all over the place? Do you not know how to run your own blog comment section? Do you need clean the ball in your roller mouse so you can click on the right things?

      If there his words why are you promoting them? This appears misleading.

      So if the Cato Insititute, which is associated with Deangelis, donated overwhelmingly to right wing candidates are they too money laundering or reaping benefits?

    2. A Teacher union decides to funny 99% of it's $ to one political party in local, state, and board of education, that's definitely a powerful machine.

    3. And Christian organizations that back private school goverment funded vouchers (aka welfare) to right wing politicians…

  5. You should read the union pamphlets they hand out to delegates. You might be shocked. Unless you agree with Marxism. They only invite Democrats to speak. Unless you're on the far left you are not included.

    1. See here you are being biased and misleading…

      -You should read the union pamphlets they hand out to delegates.

      You would have to provide examples of these pamphlets and where they came from.

      -You might be shocked. Unless you agree with Marxism.

      Marxism is a dogwhistle and right wing catch all term for anything conservatives don’t like. This is misleading.

      -They only invite Democrats to speak. Unless you're on the far left you are not included.

      Misleading again. Who is on the far left? What is the definition of far left? Anyone that is an elected Democrat? Because then that definition better be specific enough…

    2. A teach Social Studies, I understand Marxism. Stop with the dog whistle nonsense. Have a conversation. Honest dialogue.

    3. You spent a paragraph how the author is “of angels” like he is some Christian prophet. This really doesn’t make me feel like you want to have an honest conversation.

      Calling things “Marxist” without any “credible facts or analysis”, like your blog claims, really doesn’t make me think you want to have honest dialogue.

  6. Pointing out the propaganda of the unions, you call the author of Truth, propagandizing.

  7. Far left are Bernie Sanders and Senator Brown , their guest speakers.

    1. Ok? That’s two without any context. What did they say? Where? When?

      What makes them far left?

    2. Sanders identifies as a socialist, Brown as well. Senator Brown was name dropped this weekend by the Socialists’ national spokesman, along with fellow far-left Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin, as someone the group would get behind in the 2018 midterms. Senator Brown has been a favorite of the left throughout his 42-year political career.

    3. So pro-union senators are speaking at union events and this is SCANDALOUS.

      You still haven’t provided evident of union pamphlets being Marxist.

      You’re bad at this credibility schtick

    4. They Don't publish their pamphlets for public use. It's a very secretive organization. Let's just say it's probably why Glenn Beck was taken off of the Fox News. He was all over the connections. You might want to look up the Virginia court case called The holy Land case. Makes a lot of connections also. Maybe you can listen to Bridget Gabrielle on YouTube about that topic. She cites the case.

    5. -They Don't publish their pamphlets for public use.

      So you made a claim without the ability to provide a source. That is not credible and is misleading.

      -It's a very secretive organization.

      Ooo let me guess ran by the protocols of the elders of Zion?

      -Bridgette Gabriel

      So I need to watch other right wing propaganda to get the real story.

      Is she going to provide verifiable sources? Because I’m finding it hard to take someone that wants to raise the voting age to 21 seriously.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is the best way to achieve a lasting Unified Reich


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