
Democrats Destroy the Democracy, throwing Biden under the Bus

 Califonia Democrats have never faired  well in national elections, but I didn't keep Democrat powerbrokers from throwing Joe Biden under the bus. At 11Am, Biden's campaign manager said he was in it to win it.  The at 145 PM, a Joe Biden resignation signed. So in less than three hours after insisting he would stay in the race, President Biden agreed to step down as the presidential nominee for the Democrat Party.  What changed?  Joe Biden will resign as the second to end his campaign as the presumptive candidate and join Richard Nixon, who was forced out of the White House after the Watergate scandal forced him to resign two years into his second term,   Joe is being replaced with a woman he left media has suggested was hurting her ticket and didn't get along with their own staff.  Her favorability rating is 1% less than Joe Biden .  AOC just tweeted recently how many Democrats behind closed doors showed no affection for Kamala.   Kamala had a disastrous 2019 campaign and l

The Return of the same Crowdstrike and FBI helped Dems push Russia Hoax

The 2020 election, according to Democrat posters was a lot for Donald Trump .  And then the lab created Coronavirus changed everything. 2024 looks like a landslide victory for Trump, but a suspiscious attempted assaassination and global shutdowns due to a so-called Crowdstrike glitch, it is time to revisit this WEC ally  Crowdshare.  RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Did CrowdStrike claim to have proof that Russia hacked the DNC? In 2016 and 2020 Crowdstrike publically made this claim. 2017 Shawn Henry questionef by the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in December 2017 Henry was asked, "What about the emails that everyone is so, you know, knowledgeable of? Were there also indicators that they were prepared but not evidence that they actually were exfiltrated?" To this Henry responded, "There's not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There's circumstantial evidence - but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated ." Former FBI Director Ja

How does Dominion Voting Machines keep Switching Votes, but Winning Lawsuits and Huge Contracts?

It is hard to find a search engine or source to expose the obvious.  Tons of circumstantial evidence, but like the jury on the OJ Trial, most courts are afraid to or feel obligated not to take down the powerful Dominion Voting Systems.   2009-2018 ... Bill Barr was For Trump before he was against Trump!  Dominion paid Bill Barr $1.2 million in cash and granted him another $1.1 million in stock awards, according to SEC filings. A study of Dominion Voting Machines showed that if Dominion was installed, there was approximately a 1.5%-point increase in Democratic share which also corresponds to a 1.5%-point Republican decrease, so a total swing of 3% points. (Ben Turner, fraud analyst) 2012   US Lab Says Electronic Voting Machines Easy to Hack Weak Security of Machines June 12, 2018 : Kamala Harris at an election security hearing..  KAMALA HARRIS SAYS SHE WATCHED VOTING MACHINES BEING HACKED Kamala video clip May 2019 The Election Assistance Commission EAC The agency is hired Jessica Bower

Greedy Government schools Fear Parental Choice

In Ohio, the  statewide average is well over $15,500 per pupil to educate a student. Vouchers cost taxpayers approximately half of that amount.  Yet school districts in Ohio and the teachers' unions are suing because they want even more? Upper Arlington, suburban district bordering Columbus, Ohio,  have over 6,400 students.  300 of these students currently use vouchers to opt into different schools outside of the district's control.  The average teacher salary is fifth highest in Ohio at $91,306 allocate $17,677 per pupil.   Using Upper Arlington as an example, if you are one of the 300 students that take advantage of a school voucher, the school loses the state money because that state money is now going to be used at his or her new school.  However, the school still has the property tax money, which in Upper Arlington is a very significant amount. Per people this is a net gain, financially since they are required to fund the instruction of one of the students.  Comparing Uppe

Coincidences or Deep State Corruption?

Recently former president Donald Trump was indicted on dozens of felony charges that were created from a misdemeanor that had expired.  This is one of a series of 2020-2024 coincidences or deep State corruption.   In the past 16 years, the DOJ has indicted to people following up on a contempt of Congress. Congress.  It just so happened to be Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, two of Trump's biggest surrogates.  Beginning of Trump's Deep State takedown   President Trump correctly asserted that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign.   President Donald Trump was impeached twice during his single term in office. In each case, he was acquitted on all counts by the Senate. Time Magazine Admonition (2019-2020 Deep State) The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election In February, the Time magazine article revealed the secret history of  well-funded, powerful people, anti-Trumpers working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, stee

" The School Choice Evangelist" says, "Radicals are Ruining Our Schools"

For years Corey DeAngelis has been exposing the corrupt school system that is largely controlled by powerful unions. Often Dr. DeAngelis exposes the hypocrisy of his opponents. His new book earns rave reviews and helps empower parents.  Deangelis is an Italian surname that means "of the angels". It is derived from the personal name Angelo, and the Latin suffix "-is" gives it a broader meaning of "belonging to, of". In this case, it means "member of the Angeli family". It may also have been a Latinized nickname for a foundling, meaning "from the angels". As a nickname, Deangelis may have described someone who was "angelic" or a religious messenger.  Who is Dr. Corey DeAngelis ? Forbes has recognized  Corey DeAngelis among its list of 30 Under 30—the magazine’s annual recognition to young trailblazing entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and entertainers who are making the most significant impact. Corey A. DeAngelis is a senio

Ilhan Omar's Somali Flag is now Officially Minnesota's?

What is going on? Supposedly some historians felt the former Minnesota flag was racist. There are some striking coincidences that are part of the design.  In the book  The Art of the Islamic Garden , Emma Clark explains that the 8 pointed star represents God's Throne. The Quran states that on the Day of Judgement, 8 angels will flank God's Throne. Ilhan Omar doesn't hold back her celebrating the new flag.  Somalia's Flag  Former Minnesota State Flag  There have been so-called fact checkers that dispute one translation of a video of the speech, which Rep. Omar spoke in Somali, letting Somali Americans know that her “No. 1 job” is to look out for Somalia and that one day, the country will go after other territories to “unify all Somali-speaking people.” Dec 19, 2023 Earlier in May of this same year, Omar went back to her homeland and said, "I want to congratulate the people of Puntland and Somalia on their historic elections this week..." Clearly she is still ve