
Biden's DOJ Might Illegally Shut Down Arizona's Audit and Might spend time in Jail for this


Some Maricopa County pallets are missing 20 Percent of the Ballots

The Cyber Ninja led audit of Maricopa County in Arizona has had its share of critics, but apparently it has even more that are impressed with its unique and sophisticated style.   Jovan Pulitzer said, "The voting system is broken, must be burned down and started all over again. "  Pulitzer's technology is key to finding fraud via forensic evidence.  Jovan says audit variances make no sense. "The audits should be 100%," explains Pulitzer.   The inventor continues, "Manuals allow 1/2 of 1 % error allowances or they must be thrown out." "There are people that don't understand why things happen... "Jupo-journalism".  Journalist make comments and become puppets to what they believe, so what they don't understand is that they are slaves of their beliefs because they can't even get mind around there's a reason to do certain things certain ways," Pulitzer emphatically tells the Gateway Pundit.  The Gateway Pundit and Jovan P...

Vacation Bible Study is "Offensive"

  The goal of Communism or Marxism is to destroy the soul of humankind.  It's not just a political system or just an economic system, but aims to destroy humankind.  Critical Race Theory is being mainstreamed as a vehicle to destroy America.  Today’s progressive movement—-different from the American Progressive movement of the late nineteenth century—repackaged this Marxist theory.   Communists and progressives have a religious faith in government to achieve their "equaling the playing field" goals they espouse. At times they seem to be seized by illusions of government’s limitless ability to raise funds and the power of those funds to ensure equality.  To Implement Marxism, you must Destroy God and Family Alfred Kinsey, a zoologist that volunteered to teach a class on marriage,  Kinsey’s career shifted he began teaching a new course on marriage. Kinsey was focused on his own flawed studies on sexuality. Kinsey began to survey students, colleagues...

Voting Machines Accessed Illegally, Remotely, and anonymously after the election.

  Matt Deperno has uncovered a huge scandal! Things are getting very interesting.  So much for Dominion voting machines not being accessible via internet. Matt Deperno Tweets "1. We have been lied to.  The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM. Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY 2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election.  These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon.  Again . . . REMOTELY 3. But we were told there was no internet connection. In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific user name and password to utilize the system. Matthew S. DePerno, Esq. 4. We were told there...

The Man behind global chaos pays no federal taxes

  George Soros is a man who believes the United States and her constitutional republic must be weakened and its allies degraded as the last leg standing in order to form a "just world".  For Soros,  world order is established by open borders and global governance, ideally anything that is in opposition to Western Civilization.  And Soros uses his billionaire federal  tax-free dollars to throw the world into the chaos he needs to fulfill his plans. U.K . The British pound was devalued, launching a tsunami of financial turmoil from Tokyo to Rome. When it was over, millions of hardworking Britons confronted their diminished savings, while Soros counted his gains. Hungary The "Stop Soros" package of bills serves that goal, making the organization of illegal immigration a criminal offence. We want to use the bills to stop Hungary from becoming a country of immigrants." Russia In a statement released Monday morning, Russia's General Prosecutor's Office said t...

Is America at War and just haven't admitted it yet?

  Every year China celebrates a victory over the United States in the Korean War, the Chinese call it the "War to Resist American Aggression and Aid Korea".  Are we currently at war with China? Former National Security advisor Robert O'Brien said the United States had seen hackers try to infiltrate websites belonging to Secretary of State offices around the country, which are responsible for administering elections at the local level, and collecting data on Americans. The Chinese didn’t just hack our elections, they purchased the machines that processed our elections. No state with fraud contentions should certify any electors to the Electoral College as this true bombshell combined with the massive ballot box stuffing operation conducted by some local elections officials make it truly impossible to certify electors for any presidential candidate.” One of the “fact checkers” says that USB Securities didn’t buy Dominion Voting Machines but merely used the $400 million to a...

American infiltration and progression of Marxism

Critical Race Theory  is getting in the spotlight but this movement towards a Marxist Utopia didn't happen overnight. April 23, 1635, the first public school in what would become the United States was established in Boston, Massachusetts. Massachusetts passed the first compulsory school laws in 1852. New York followed the next year, and by 1918, all American children were required to attend at least elementary school. By the late 1800's public education was motivated with unholy alliance between Owenites, who wanted public schools to promote socialism, Unitarians who wanted public schools to get rid of Calvinist influence, and Protestants who wanted public schools to counter increasing Catholic immigration. The early 1920s saw an increased membership of African Americans in the Communist Party USA because it was a space for black intellectuals to convey dissatisfaction with economic and political inequalities. It strengthened other civic organizations, such as Langston Hughes...