
Showing posts from September, 2019

What do low expectations imply?

Low Expectations called love?

ACT Prompts for the ESSAY

ACT Prompts: Write on one of the topics

The Emancipation Proclamation of 2019

Lee McNulty gives Credence to the book Escape from Uncle Sam's Plantation

Where can I see the latest news and the Best School News & Analysis?

Look for The Total Tutor Hour and the School Choice Show

Macro-evolution destroyed?

Kent Hovind takes down evolution scam..

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist? Frank Turek explains..

Is Christian Education Effective?

Is Education Christian Effective?

Diane Ravitch makes a bold statement that private schools hurt public Schools ..

Diane Ravitch makes a very controversial statement. Do you agree with her?

Biology Professor claims science convinced him of God

Professor of Biology says there IS Evidence for God?

Education learning Gap?

Learning Gap believe it or not?

African Americans and Latinos LOVE School Choice!!

Do Blacks and Hispanics support School Choice?

School Choice increases PAY! brings in the data to prove school choice increases  Earnings !

Should the per pupil spending follow the student? Or the district in which the student resides?

The Cato institute says school choice undeniably successful!

School choice facts by The Cato Institute